Report Highlights:
01: PRC consular officials in the U.S. held “pop-up” events and social media propaganda campaigns for cognitive warfare, potentially violating international laws.
02: The majority of residents in Cyprus's unrecognized northern region believe Russian propaganda narratives about the war in Ukraine.
03: The annual EU DisinfoLab conference, attended by 583 participants, emphasized the urgent need to combat disinformation in an increasingly complex political landscape.
04: A Global Witness investigation revealed that TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook failed to adequately detect harmful disinformation just weeks before the U.S. presidential election.
05: The 2024 Freedom on the Net report marks the 14th consecutive year of declining global internet freedom, with conditions worsening in 27 of 72 countries.
06: Cyberscoop reported that Latino and Hispanic voters in the U.S. face significant disinformation, as both parties vie for support in key battleground states.
07: A Politico article highlighted how partisan media and echo chambers make it easier for politicians to spread misinformation, complicating fact-checking efforts.